Lavorazioni materie plastiche

pipes in resistant chemical plastic material

pipes for aggressive liquids

Complast is specialized in the tailored production of pipes in resistant chemical plastic material. These pipes are designed for the transport of liquids, both aggressive and non-aggressive, and can be used both in industrial manufacturing processes and for the treatment of waste water.

We offer a complete service including the construction of the pipes both in our workshop, following the drawings and specifications provided by the customer, and directly on site. We only use high quality materials from leading companies in the sector, thus guaranteeing the chemical resistance and durability of the pipes.

We can create systems and pipes with automated management, if required by our customers. This makes plants safer and simpler to be managed, helping to optimize processes and reduce the risk of errors or breakdowns.

Our experience and expertise in the sector allow us to provide customized solutions meeting the specific needs of our customers. We are proud to offer high quality products and services for industrial applications, contributing to the success and safety of our customers’ operations.

Impianto in Polipropilene

Polypropylene pipes

Some installations performed by COMPLAST 79

Tubazioni in PP con pompa volumetrica
Tubazioni in PVC
Tubazioni PVC
Tubazioni PVC di stoccaggio e distribuzione
Tubazioni di distribuzione colori
Tubazioni PVC